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Allow Code Execution

When you plan to use Code element, where you need to sign the code, to make it run, you will have to first allow code execution in Bricks Settings. In this short tutorial, we will check where and how to enable it.

You can also read more from official docs here: Custom code – code element

Now, this is an important step. To be able to use this code inside the Code element, you need to allow code execution in Bricks -> Settings -> Custom code -> Code execution. Once you are there, you need to toggle on the global “Enable code execution” switch (#4), and then under #5, you choose which roles can run and add the code.

For example, even if you enable the code execution for the Administrator only, the code will work on the front end, and all website visitors will be able to see it. This control just means who can add new code and edit the one that it’s already there.

Important: You should enable this only for the roles you 100% trust. Most of the time, this will be Administrator only.

Bricks Code Execution settings

Matej Mohar
02. 02. 2025/08. 02. 2025

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